Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hah! I CAN do it!

Smart Source put out the Kraft printables yesterday or thereabouts. I now have scads more BBQ sauce and salad dressing Qs, but, I AM NOT GOING TO USE THEM!!! Today's the last day of the BOGOF sale at my store and I've deliberately filled up my day so that I have no time to go to cash them in. I've got to show a little constraint, right? Anyway, I don't eat that much salad. My dad likes ranch dressing on a baked potato, so, I loaded him up with ranch dressing. It's loaded with calories; I didn't go for the "lite" or "free" versions of Kraft. Oh, no, I went with the really fat stuff. It's important to keep his weight up. You know, a lot of cancer patients don't die from the cancer; they starve to death. I'm not going to let that happen to my dad. If he keeps his weight up, he has a real fighting chance with this thing.

I guess you know that I'm really tired of tacos by now. Had 2 more last night for dinner. The lettuce is growing exponentially and there's no bottom to the sour cream container! I think tonight will be a loaded baked potato. I'm little; I can slather on the butter and sour cream and not worry about it. Of course, that won't be using up any stockpile items. I guess the "3-a-day" rule is not working out so well. I did, however, score a 5 lb. bag of potatoes at 1/2 price yesterday. I can't believe the cost of potatoes; there were 10 potatoes in the bag for $1.99, so, 20 cents each potato. When I buy just one baking potato from the loose potato bin, they are about $1.25 each. EACH!! They ought to be made of 18 karat gold for that price.

As often as I am in a grocery store, I should not be suffering such sticker shock, but, don't these things sneak up on us? The worst part of the store, in my humble opinion, is the coffee aisle. There's hardly any "plain" brands of coffee anymore. At my store, it's all premium brands, the bags are only 8-10 oz. each, and are very high priced. I quit my Gevalia membership because it was so expensive, but, compare your local store's coffee prices, you'll see that Gevalia is not that extravagant after all. Thankfully, I have a year's worth of coffee stockpiled. I don't even have to look when I'm in the store.

Have you ever walked out of a movie before the end? I have done that only once and it was Ferris Buehler's Day Off, or something like that. I managed to stay for about 20 minutes before I bolted. I subscribe to Netflix (not because I like to watch movies so much, but, it was to get 4,000 United Airlines miles) and was watching "Unforgiven" today. Now, I'm an old lady and I think Clint Eastwood is a hunk even in his 70's, but, I shut the movie off about 3/4 through. There were scenes that were just so violent that I was totally turned off. I have no idea if Clint lived or died, or what happened to his little kids he left alone at home. I just couldn't watch any more of it. If anybody wants to tell me how it ended, I'm open to that. I'm just not going to watch it.

Well, I'm going to try not to break my arm by patting myself on the back for staying away from the grocery today. If my typing looks funny in the next few days, you'll know my arm's in a sling!


Unknown said...

I agree with you on the chemo/starving. When my dad was sick from cancer that was one of the things that was so hard. He was hungry and nothing tasted right and he couldn't eat due to the mouth sores

They really do starve to death. :(

Congrats on the deals you are scoring - keep it up!

vickib52 said...

I'm sorry to hear that your dad had to go through that. Our doctor told us that pancreatic cancer is the "step-child" of cancer research. Many, many kinds of cancer are now treatable, but, pancreatic cancer is pretty much a death sentence. There are only 3 or 4 drugs appropriate for pancreatic cancer and if you cannot tolerate them, you're done. Too, many times these few choices do not work on some people.

I'm just doing my best to be there for him in any way that I can. Our time is limited and I don't want to think, sometime in the future, "coulda, woulda, shoulda."