Sunday, October 31, 2010

Had A Great Coupon Day Yesterday

Bi-Lo is rolling out something new, I think. The catalina machine is spitting out store coupons, high value, to use on any brands. For example, $1 any paper towel, $4 off produce with a $20 order, $1.50 off any cough, cold, pain relief, $3.50 off of a $35 order, free roll of SH paper towels, free dozen SH eggs with a $15 purchase. You get the idea. Since these are store coupons, they can be stacked with a manufacturer's coupon. Yesterday, I thought I would see how much I could get for a little bit of money. The only thing I bought without a coupon was a bottle of olive oil, although it was BOGOF, so, not bad. I had about $32.50 order and paid $7.88. Rick was impressed! I think I'm getting through to him.

I am not a dumpster diver, but, I saw a woman throw her receipt away at the door of Bi-Lo as I was entering. I couldn't help myself. I went through the trash, just a quick look, and scored a free roll of paper towels and $4 off produce. Thank goodness I was alone. Rick would have grabbed me by the nape of the neck if I did that with him in tow.


Tammy said...

Thanks for the laugh Vicki! I can totally relate to your comment about Rick. I haven't visited you in a while so I'll have to catch up.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

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