Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If It Weren't For Cat Food, I Could Live On Almost No Money

I'm not really complaining about the cat food bill. I love all my little "critters" and will gladly feed them and all their little stray and feral friends. New kitten alert: a little calico has shown up at my house. When I open the door to let my indoor cats in or out, she shoots right between my legs into the house. And, no, she is not going to live in the house!

I spent a whopping $39 at the grocery yesterday, $30 of which was cat food. That's a total this month of $53 or so. I really believe that I am going to make my goal this year.

I think I may have mentioned that I noticed peanut butter has suddenly dropped from 18 oz. to 13 oz. for the same price. Have any of you noticed anything else lately that has dropped significantly in quantity while the price has stayed the same or increased? I haven't seen this one, but, I was told recently that the 5 lb. bag of sugar is now a 4 lb. bag at the same price. That is a huge increase in price per pound. I'm so glad I have about 40 lbs. stockpiled. I usually do more baking around the holidays, and, check your calendar, Thanksgiving is looming on the horizon.

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