Monday, August 31, 2009

I (oops) Went Over This Month

I spent a total of $127.30 for the month. That's a bit over the $95 or so I had figured would be my limit for the month. For the year, I have spent $855.83 and coupons and such total of $2537.82. That makes the goal of $86 per month for the balance of the year. Not impossible.

I made a decision on the $25 rebate I recieved from Eight O'Clock coffee. I am not figuring that into my grocery spending. That's just income because I can use it any way I wish. That may not make a lot of sense, since I usually count grocery rebates into my grocery budget. Either way, I did O.K. this month. I'm expecting a bunch of Office Depot rebates in the next month or two. That will just go into income and not count towards my grocery spending.

Cats are going to need more feed in a couple of weeks. I'll see if I can scare up a few Qs towards that. I have enough Purina weight circles for another $6 check, but, I prefer to wait until I have enough for 2.

The flea market trial worked out pretty good. I went, I think, 7 Saturdays. I should have kept better records, but, I think I made about $450 total. I'm trying to integrate the leftovers back into my stockpile. What the heck do you do with 100 tubes of toothpaste?

Next Saturday is FOOTBALL TIME IN TENNESSEE!! I will be going to Knoxville with my dad for the first game of the season. Should be a slam dunk, but, don't quote me on that!

I'll be in touch and try to find some great deals for you.


Unknown said...

Great job - Especially for the year!

Don't worry about going over, remember you had a balance left over from before. I think you are doing great!

$85/month - ah, if only.
I am getting there - I am down to around $125/month.

vickib52 said...

Don't be discouraged. You're probably feeding a family and I'm only feeding myself and all those #$%^& cats!