Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yeah, What A Deal!

I only learned yesterday that my local store has Green Giant boxed veggies for $1 each, usually $1.79. I was able to get someone in FL to send me 10 of the 3/.60 coupons for use by next Tuesday. I just KNOW they will arrive by Tuesday. She's super. Rick is going to have a fit when I bring in 30 boxes of veggies, but, he'll be glad during the lean months. Men are like dogs; you just train them and train them and then they respond to your commands. I'm hoping Rick is just like a dog!

I received (3) free 12-pack Coke coupons yesterday. I'm O.K. with cokes, but, the price has risen precipitously. You used to be able to get 4/$10 and now you're lucky if you get 4/$13 or so. Thankfully, I drink more wine than coke!

I have about 6 Redwood Creek wine posters. I'm thinking of approaching the manager of the local liquor store and see if she wants to buy them. I'd trade for a box of wine. Five litres, of course!

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