Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Tried A Wainchai Ferry Dinner Kit Today

As you know, these have been heavily advertised with many Qs issued when it hit the store shelves. My store had it 1/2 price a couple of weeks ago, I had a $1 Q, and there is a rebate on it, as well. I gave the spicy garlic chicken a try today. First of all, I walked away too long from the chicken and burned it into a huge black lump. Threw it out. Thought about canned chicken, salvaged the dish with a can of that. It was pretty good, although they say to add 1/3 c. water to the sauce and I thought it made it much too thin. One thing is sure; I would never pay full price for one, $4.79, when you have to add your own meat.

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