Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I don't think I've been eating well lately.

The doctor has put me on a megadose of Vitamin D for the next 6 months. Apparently, I've been eating so poorly most of the time that my vitamin levels have bottomed out. To be perfectly honest with you, I just can't get excited about food. The upside of that is that I don't go to the grocery store for entertainment! I don't spend any grocery money when I'm not eating. O.K. I tried to make a joke out of it and it fell flat.

I did get around to making the mini cheesecakes Sunday. I made a bit more than 2 dozen and carried them around to my law firm clients until they were all gone. Then it hit me; I didn't even keep one for myself! What a doofus! I used 2 boxes of cheesecake mix out of stockpile and a can of apple pie filling. I did have to buy a can of blueberry filling and one of cherry, but, they were greatly reduced, something like $2 ea. I still have a lot of it left, but, of course, not enough for a full pie. Anybody have any ideas what to do with the blueberry, cherry, and apple pie filling?

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