Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm back home and cooking!

I had to spend $6.67 to purchase some ingredients for a chicken pot pie. My friend, Andra, gave me a killer recipe. It was great! There's a downside to it, though. The recipe made (2) 8" pie plates. I took one to my neighbor and cooked one for myself. My dad came by and helped me eat it, but, I've still got 1/2 of a pie pan left in the fridge. I guess everyone knows what I'm having for supper tonight.

I am woefully behind in filing Qs from last Sunday. I just got them all clipped today. Now, the fun part; sorting, putting in the Q database on HCW, and filing them all. I only had 4 papers, but, this stack of Qs looks like I had 10 papers! I also need to see just what I have in order to make a shopping list this week. I will be doing some holiday baking, so, there's some extra things I'll need that I don't have on hand.

On a more personal note, the doctor discovered a lump today. I might not be posting as often for a while. I have a lot on my mind. I will still be living frugally, though. That, you can always count on.

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