Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm going to have to stop taking food to my neighbor.

I made the chicken breast/instant brown rice/broccoli/cream of chicken recipe yesterday. Took some next door. My neighbor is at least 85 years old and has a grand total of 2 teeth in his whole mouth. When I handed him the container, he grabbed me and tried to kiss me. I turned my head and he caught my cheek. He told me he has feelings for me. I do not know how a man of such advanced years could mistake neighborlyness with romance. I'm not going back over there. About 15 years ago, he suggested something very vulgar and an exchange of money for it. I called a police friend of mine to go over there and talk to him. We didn't speak for almost 10 years. He came over one day and apologized for what he had suggested. I told him that we should put it behind us. I can't believe he's skating on that ice again.

Well, the chicken dish turned out pretty well. Everything that went into it was stockpile items. I did not buy anything to fill in any gaps. I just used what I had.

Since I don't have any meat thawing for tonight, I guess I will just have a frozen single serve entree. I am guilty of stockpiling them since I started the challenge last summer; however, they were such a fantastic buy that I could not pass it up. I was able to purchase a dozen or more of Michael Angelo's at about $1 ea. They are usually $3.75 + tax.

I think I have enough cat food to last at least a couple more weeks (I can only hope!). There's nothing that I need right now. I just found a $2 Food Lion Q on a Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit. They don't cost much more than $2, do they?

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