Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Think It Was A Smart Buy

I went to Food Lion this morning to get in on the great deal on sirloin. What I found was that it was priced at $1.77 per pound, but, you had to buy a whole one. I found a 9 lb. + size for $16.XX. They also had boneless, skinless chicken breast for $1.99 per pound. I picked up a couple of packages of that, as well. In all, I spent $24.36 and saved $29.97 with my store card. Now, I just have to spend the rest of the day portioning, frying, packaging, and finding space in my freezer for all of this!

I also did well at CVS today. They had 12-pack cokes for $13/4. That's not a great buy, but, I had 3 free Qs and I got $3 ECB back. I also used a $3.50 Q on the Glade candle which was $6.99 and got $6.99 back in ECB.

My favorite CVS does not yet have the bag tags to receive ECB credits. Th assistant manager told me that she was expecting them any day and had already made an empty space on the front counter for them.

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