Saturday, January 23, 2010

The "Free Egg" Deal Is Not Working Out

The guy who said he'd trade eggs for my egg cartons has not been at the flea market the last 3 times I went to see him. It's about a 45 mile round-trip for me. I've spent way too much gas to try anymore. Pooh! I really thought I had a great deal worked out.

I'm going to redouble my efforts to get back on the "3-a-day" rule. I suppose that can only work if I start eating again! I used to weigh 280 pounds. Eating was not a problem. I now weigh about 122 and I can hardly stand the thought of food. I don't mind cooking, but, once I get something prepared, I no longer have any appetite for it. I guess I could cook a big meal and take it to my parents. They are both sick. I would have competition, though. Their next door neighbor brings dinner to them almost every night. Apparently, the son in the household fancies himself a great chef (he's about 18 or 19) and I think he has just about taken over the meal preparation for the whole family. From what I've heard about his cooking, he may have a future.


Tammy said...

I'm sure the parents of the young budding chef feel so lucky. I also have a teenager who loves to cook. She can be very creative with what's in the pantry.

vickib52 said...

I don't have children, but, I believe that no one can have too much information. If a kid learns to cook at home, he/she is set for life. When they start young, I think they are more "creative" in what they cook up. I don't want them to all be a "stick-in-the-mud" like I am. I can hardly cook without a recipe. I'm also not really comfortable making substitutions. I can do it on a small scale, but, don't look for much here!