Friday, August 29, 2008

Dinner turned out well last night.

The crock pot method of cooking a whole chicken worked out really well last night. My neighbor made out like a bandit. I took him a dinner of chicken (I gave him 1/2 of the whole chicken), a potato side dish, peas, cream corn, sliced tomatoes, Sister Schubert's rolls, rice pudding, and I even took him a bottle of Gold Peak tea to top it off. From the looks of the leftovers, it seems I will be eating chicken sandwiches until I start to cluck!

Besides groceries, be it edible foods or non-food consumables, HBA, paper products, and such, I also stockpile Christmas gifts. I have 3 nieces, 4 nephews, and 3 great-nieces. The 3 neices are getting a good supply of make-up this year. There have been so many great deals this year on make-up at CVS and Walgreens that I made that the centerpiece of their gifts this year. Instead of individual gifts, I am going to get some of those file storage boxes at Office Depot and make up a big box for each family. It will include HBA for men and women, make-up, men's cologne or aftershave, toys for the small ones, various things from my stockpile. In our family, we would rather give and receive very practical gifts, so, they are going to get personal toiletries, cleaning supplies, and probably candy and a few food items in their boxes. Except for one nephew in high school, all the others are married. You know that when a young couple is just starting out in life, cash is always short and I think my practical gifts will be remembered long after some doo-dad I might buy. The one still in high school wears contacts so I guess he'll be the recipient of the dozen or so trial size bottles of ReNu. Who can resist buying them at .99 each when you have $1 Qs for them?

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