Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More money!

I received $6.99 in rebates yesterday, so, I now have $10.85 to spend this month. I am going to the grocery today and use some hot Qs. I would just kick myself if I didn't take advantage of them.

At the end of the month, when you clean out your Q binder, does it bother you that you have to throw away so many Qs? I cleaned mine out last night and all I could see was a big stack of money going into the trash. Of course, it's not possible to use every single Q you ever get, but, doesn't it just feel "wrong" to throw them away? Most of the time, I don't actually throw them away; I send them to military families around the world. Their commissaries accept Qs up to 6 months past the expiration date. If you hate throwing Qs away as much as I do, that is a great way to give them a 2nd life.

I'm thinking that the challenge is going to be harder in September. I don't have very many rebates outstanding right now. I received a $20 beer rebate in July and August. Those were very big, considering how rigid my spending was during that time. I don't have that to look forward to for September, but, I am still going to go for it; $50 oop plus all free GC and any rebates received.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the crock pot chicken has been pushed back a couple of days. I am going to get it done in the next day or two and I'll report on how well the hints I received work out for me.

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