Monday, August 11, 2008

I may not make it this month.

I had some great BOGOF Qs for Michael Angelo's single serve entrees that expire this week. I couldn't let them expire! I had to use them. I bought 6 plus a couple of other free items, total $9.40. This brings my spending total to $45.28 for the month. I can't see making it another 20 days on $4.72. Oh, I do have that 13 cents left over from last month. I received a $30 rebate today, but, it was from purchasing a monitor, so, I don't think I can legitimately use that in the challenge.

I had my obligatory grilled cheese sandwich today (remember all that free cheese? gotta use it!) and I even prepared dinner tonight; grilled salmon, niblets corn, brocolli and cheese, all from the freezer.

My parents both had a birthday last week and I just forgot about it, so, today I made 2 birthday cakes. I had all the ingredients for both. I didn't have to purchase anything to make them. She likes chocolate, he likes plain cake with no frosting. They're both getting what they want. Do you think if I hang around their house long enough, they'll offer me a piece? I'm counting on it. In fact, I think I will take my own Tupperware items to bring some home with me!

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