Monday, August 11, 2008

The weekend was great.

I spent some time in Atlanta this weekend. I stayed at a really nice hotel, even ordered room service. Thank goodness it was on someone else's dime! The best part? Don't laugh at me. I was in ATL on Sunday and was able to pick up a couple of newspapers with great Qs in them. Now, THAT is a productive weekend. At some convenience stores, and I haven't figured out how they decide which ones to offer and which ones not to offer, they bundle 2 Sunday papers together and you only pay $2.50 total for $4 worth of papers.

Has anyone seen the rebate form for the super lunch bag from ConAgra? The great thing about this offer is that even though you must send actual UPCs, they do not require a cash register receipt. So, forage through your stockpile to come up with the proofs of purchase. I didn't see the order form in the paper; I ordered it from TCC ( It does require $3 postage and handling, but, the picture of the lunch bag makes it look like it's worth it.

As I predicted, when I got home yesterday, I was too tired for any real meal preparation. I hit the freezer for a single-serve entree. It was the Bourbon Street Chicken from Tai Pei. Wow! It was really good! Hot and spicy, a real zinger. Having that with a glass of wine, I was happy as a clam. And what made it so great? Well, it only cost $1.24 after Q! I think I probably speak for most of you when I say, I don't want cheap food, I want food cheap. Using Qs allows us to buy high quality foods for less than some cheap alternative.

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