Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've been MIA for a couple of days.

I haven't posted in a few day due to illness. I don't really know what is wrong, I just can't sleep at night and sleepless nights leave me with a headache and sour stomach the next day. It's been going on for 3 days. I sleep a few minutes, wake up, look at the clock, turn over, go back to sleep, wake up, turn over, look at the clock, rinse and repeat. I did manage to eat a single-serve entree last night. It was the first of anything of substance I'd had in 2 or 3 days. I've just been too sick to eat. Cokes keep my stomach from completely flipping on me, otherwise, I just haven't been able to get anything else down.

My newspaper did not even have the Kellogg's insert. The only thing I know about it is what I've read on HCW. I did manage to find someone who had a few. I ordered them, knowing, of course, that I'll have to break my budget to take advantage of them. Just be prepared, readers, that I may not make my goal this month. If Hormel bacon goes BOGOF at my double Q store, I will be stocking up. It seems to be about time for that to happen. I may have to stock up on the Kellogg's things, too.

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