Saturday, August 2, 2008

Starting out a new month, almost blew it all!

It's rare that I actually run out of anything at home, but, I did run out of kitchen garbage bags. I really hadn't been paying any attention to the drug store flyers during July; too much temptation. I happened to catch a thread about Tuf bags at Walgreens and that they were BOGOF this week. Here it is Saturday and I just found out. I went to one Walgreens and they didn't have the smaller size BOGOF, but, did have a much larger size 2/$10. I believe I can get the $5 rebate on those. At another Walgreens, they had the smaller packages BOGOF and I got 2 for 3.99 plus tax. I found myself with only a day's worth of cat food still in the house, so that was a must. It was not on sale, I only had a puny .35 Q on it (doubled, thank goodness), so, today, only the 2nd day of the month, and I have already spent $29.90 of my $50. Most of what I bought, though, have mail-in rebates. I doubt they will get back during this month, but, I will get some money back, so, I don't feel quite so badly about spending so much oop today. Also, I got 4 trial sizes of ReNu free w/ Qs. My nephew will be pleased to receive them.

Everything I bought today was non-food consumables; however, I count all of that as groceries. Most of what I bought were fairly big ticket items, $10 for garbage bags, $12 for cat food, so, I was only able to use $7.45 in Qs today. That is not a good percentage of the total spent.

I bought one of those Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber Starter Kit boxes today. It has a TMF rebate, so, I don't feel like I misspent my money there. Now, If I could just get off the blog and get off of HCW long enough to use the thing and clean my tub, everything would be great!

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