Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's not just about the food.

I've been rather too focused on food items in my stockpile and how to use them. I completely take for granted the fact that I've used body wash, toothpaste, and facial cleanser from my stockpile. It's great to know that when I run out, I only have to walk a few feet to get a new one. I suppose serious couponers are somewhat amazed and at the same time feel sad for people who do not understand the concept of using Qs, stocking up when something is on sale and you have a Q, and having things obtained inexpensively before they actually need it. I can't imagine ever again running to the drug store for a bottle of shampoo at the last minute.

Stockpiling is great when done correctly. I feel like, though, for me, the time has come to use a lot of my stockpile and concentrate on saving money. Well, saving MORE money! I have had a bit of a time ignoring the weekly deals, but, I know that when I want to get back in the game, there will still be Qs and the deals will still roll around on schedule.

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