Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm a spending fool!

Apparently, having only $50 for the month hasn't sunk into my thick head. I took that Swiffer product back to CVS today. They had to give me the refund in cash, so I had a little jingle in my pocket. I went to the dreaded WM and found the Swiffer product I needed. I didn't even have a Q for it! ACK! I also bought a box of Reynolds Handi-Vac bags. ACK! No coupon for that, either! So, I spent a total of $3.95 today on groceries. That's about $35.88 I've spent already. I'm going to have to hop back on the wagon if I'm going to make it this month.

I've had a bowl of cereal today and a few nibbles of Goldfish. I'm planning on a lazy dinner tonight; a frozen single serve entree. It will most likely be of the Chinese variety. I worked hard today and need to take a break. I finished pulling up all the carpet in the house. Yes, I had major help from my dad, but, it's still hard work!

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