Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

A great and happy 4th of July to everyone. I hope all of you have someone special to spend it with. For me, well, I decided to work a bit today. I have some witnesses I need to locate and I thought today would be a good day to catch people at home. Perhaps it will work out for me.

I'm going to have to do some serious fridge cleaning today. I know there are things lurking in the back that need to go OUT! I ended up feeding the leftover hot dogs to the outdoor cats yesterday. I figure if they can eat an entire dead bird, they can eat some "expired" hot dogs. I've gone on a grilled cheese sandwich kick. I have one nearly every day. I'm sure that soon I will become tired of that and switch to something else. In the meantime, I have an abundant supply of cheese slices. Usually, I make one, eat 1/2, give the cats the other 1/2.

There's going to be baseball on TV today starting at 1:00pm and going right through tonight. You can guess that I won't be found in the kitchen cooking anything today. It will be a day to forage in the fridge and come up with enough to satisfy me. I'm going out of town tomorrow, just for one night, so, no meal planning for tomorrow. I'm sure that by the time I get back on Sunday, I will only want to pull some frozen single-serve entre out of the freezer for dinner. So, that means I need to start thinking about menus for next week. I see a lot of chicken in my future! I can fry it and I can use it in stir-fry. I guess I need to pull out a few cookbooks and look for some alternatives.

I'm still within my ZERO grocery budget for the month. I have some GC and a whopping 47 cents to work with. I am having a bit of grocery shopping withdrawal. The July ECB book just came out at CVS and I'm sorely tempted, but, I shall prevail!

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