Monday, July 21, 2008

I hit a bump yesterday.

I am not one to eat breakfast too much. I don't like eating when I first get up and by the time I want to eat, it's lunch already. Yesterday, baseball started at 1:00pm and while watching, I got a tiny bit hungry and ate a few Goldfish and a glass of iced tea. Somewhere in the afternoon while watching baseball, I fell asleep. When I awoke, it was about 5:00pm and I was thinking about what to prepare for dinner. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon a box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. Now, when I was a kid, I ate those things like crazy, but, I haven't had one in a very long time and I thought, "Yum, a Swiss cake roll and a glass of milk!" So, that's what I did at that moment. Now, I've told ya'll that I used to weigh 280 pounds and had gastric bypass surgery. In the bypass world, there's a thing called "the sugar dump." Because part of the intestine is removed when the stomach is stapled, food goes from stomach to deeper into the intestine right off. Too much of a sugary item will cause this "sugar dump." To be gentle about it, it causes a lot of pain and abdominal "upset." Well, after that Swiss cake roll, I had a sugar dump. I was so sick for the rest of the evening that eating dinner was completely out of the question. You may wonder, since I know what sugar will do to me, why I would have Swiss cake rolls in the house. The only thing I can say is that I give in to cravings sometimes.

So, to sum up, no real meals were prepared or eaten on Sunday. I'll try to do better today.

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