Thursday, July 3, 2008

I haven't been cooking much lately.

I was going to WOW everyone with my culinary skills by using unusual or obtuse grocery items. The fact is, I just haven't felt like eating much for the past few days. Yesterday, I made a pound cake from scratch (haven't done that in a long time) to go with some strawberries and cool whip. Other than that, I ate one ounce of cheese, 4 Ritz crackers, and a handful of Goldfish. I have several things in the fridge right now that I need to either eat or GASP! throw away. So, I'll be foraging from the refrigerator for the next 2 or 3 days. I've got hot dogs, buns, and slaw, yogurt, salad, some bacon that I need to use or it's going to expire, and plenty of cheese slices for sandwiches. Hmm. A grilled cheese and bacon sandwich today would take care of some of those things.

I'm an old maid, no children, so, tomorrow, the 4th of July, will just be another day for me. I don't think my parents have planned to do anything special, at least, they haven't told me! As a matter of fact, I have some papers to serve over the next few days. I will probably work tomorrow as most people are off work and I will be able to find my witnesses at home a lot easier than usual. Oh, I am a private process server. I have a few law firms as clients and I serve lawsuits, witness subpoenas, and the like.

Hopefully, by Monday I will be back in the mood to eat and cook up something healthy. I guess my neighbor will be glad, too. I haven't taken him anything to eat since last Friday! I know he doesn't depend on me for all his meals, but, I guess I've spoiled him by taking dinner to him so often. Taking him dinner also inspires me to cook sometimes when I normally would just snack or forget about eating altogether. O.K., I'll tell you the real reason I haven't been cooking lately. Dinnertime interferes with watching a baseball game on TV. I watch no television at all except baseball. Well, during basketball season, I will occasionally watch women's college roundball. If it is not baseball season, though, I rarely turn on the TV. There! That's my secret. I don't let too many things interfere with my baseball games.

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