Sunday, July 6, 2008

I received a rebate check.

I received a $3.49 rebate check yesterday, add to that my .47 left from the last one, and I have a whopping $3.96 to work with in addition to my GC.

I haven't decided if I'm going to do any "deals" this month at Rite Aid. I have $50 in GC there and could easily do some of the P&G deals. The thing is, there is nothing in HBA that I should even be looking at. I have probably 75 bottles of body wash, more than 50 each of shampoo and conditioner, more deodorant than an octopus needs, at least 40 tubes of toothpaste, and about 50 or 60 toothbrushes. I have a variety of band-aid sizes for any kind of boo-boo. Let's face it, I've let it get out of hand.

I'm still grazing off of refrigerator items. I don't particularly like salad, but, my tomatoes are beginning to rot and I hate to waste any more of them. I have a bag of salad on hand, so, I guess I could add enough other stuff, like boiled eggs, bacon chips, and croutons, to make a meal out of it. No, I don't call that diet food! I like solid items in my salad. Lettuce is about 95% water. It needs more "stuff" in it.

Bad news about the frozen strawberries. I thawed them and ate some with a piece of pound cake. Didn't eat any the 2nd day, but, on the 3rd day, went back to have some and they were rotten! So, if you buy frozen strawberries, make sure you're going to use them all the day you thaw them. They don't last at all. Now I have a pound cake and nothing to put on it. Oh, maybe I do have something to put on that pound cake after all. I have a can of apple pie filling. Heat it, spoon it over the cake, maybe add a little cool-whip. Oh, boy, using up a stockpiled can of something!

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