Thursday, July 10, 2008

I spent some of my GC today.

I'm sure all of you know about the great Q out right now, buy 3 Kraft, etc, items, get Kraft singles free. Well, my store had the $1.99 Jell-O singles BOGOF. I had .50 Qs for them. Doubled, that made all the Jell-O free and of course, the cheese was free with Q. We pay tax on food in TN, so, my total was 26 cents. That leaves $16.53 on my GC and $2.90 in my pocket to use for the rest of the month. I think I mentioned that I also have $50 Rite Aid GC that I received free, but, they don't carry much in the way of edible foods and I need more shampoo like I need a hole in the head.

There's no baseball game on TV tonight, so I might just cook dinner. I have plenty of canned goods, frozen veggies. Sometimes I enjoy a meatless meal. I could even bake a cake since I don't watch TV in the evening except for baseball.

I just received notice of my high school reunion this fall. It's been 35 years and I haven't kept up with anyone at all from high school. Name tags would be a necessity. I'm sure they all look old, except me, of course!

Bad news! There's a Food Lion a couple of miles from my house going out of business. Right now, everything is 30% off and you can still use Qs. It's killing me not to go on a stockpiling rampage there. I'm sure the store will be closed before July 31, so, it's just not in the cards for me to take advantage.

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