Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Overview of the July grocery challenge

Looking over my stockpile, I realized it was time to use, not obtain more. I keep my grocery records a bit different than other couponers; I include all edibles, non-food consumables, and cat food and litter in my grocery budget. I know some people pull out just edible foods and put that in their grocery total; maybe I'm just too lazy for that, but, keep in mind that I am talking about most everything you can buy at a grocery or drug store when I talk about my grocery budget.

I decided in June that I would go on a ZERO grocery budget for the month of July. I didn't run out and buy a lot of stuff to get me through. I did my regular frugal shopping as usual. I was so excited about doing this that I actually started on June 26, 2008. It will go through July 31st.

My rules are pretty simple; I will spend no money out of pocket for any grocery, non-food consumable, or cat supplies for the month. I do, however, have a couple of GC I have received free and I consider them fair game for the month. I will also use any rebate checks I receive during this time period. When the month started, I had a $20 Bi-Lo GC, a $30 Rite-Aid GC, $11.99 in ECBs, and $16.50 in RRs. I will be receiving a $20 Rite-Aid GC any day (I traded a Victoria's Secret GC for it) and I will receive a $30 CVS GC on or about the 14th of the month. In my usual bookkeeping, when I have a store specific GC that I received for no money, I count them as coupons.

So far, since beginning the challenge, I have used $11 RRs at Walgreen's and some (sorry, I don't remember) ECBs at CVS. I have also spent part of a $3.49 rebate check I received a few days ago.

I live alone, but, have several cats. Usually, when I cook a meal, I take part of it next door to my 85 year old neighbor. I guess you could say that I'm cooking for two.

I will be reporting to you how I finance this challenge and sometimes about the meals I prepare and new ways I have found to use the items in my stockpile.

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